Mara Meretrix

Performer and Courtesan

You can find me at either the Moonlit Kiss Lounge or the Velvet Lounge. While I may not be free, I'm always dressed to kill. Unless of course, you were looking for a peek underneath.

More on Mara

Purring kitten or roaring tiger

When I'm not pulling cards or casting benefic on the battlfield, I prefer healing of a different nature. If you're a wanderer looking to destress, a troubled soul desperate for an open ear, or just a person seeking to scratch a particular itch, then you've come to the right place.

Mara Meretrix

Race: Miqo'te

Age: Do I start over again every time I die?

Alignment: Depends on my mood

Aliases/Titles: The Last Resort

Height: Shorter than everyone else...except for lalafells.

Hair: Kissed by fire

Eyes: Heterchromatic, Red (right), Aqua (Left)

Fighting Style: Whatever gets the job done!

Attitude: Sarcastic, Sassy, Sophisticated

Weakness: Keeping my mouth closed!